Natural Rubber Transformation: Updates from UN-REDD LMR Initiatives

Under UNREDD Initiatives, study tours in Thailand have proven instrumental for members of Cambodian and Laotian INGB, fostering invaluable engagement with key stakeholders. The aim? To glean profound insights into the development of National sustainable forest certification schemes tailored to the local stakeholders including smallholder communities.

Natural Rubber Transformation: Updates from UN-REDD LMR Initiatives

28 February 2024 News

Specific to Natural Rubber sector, the knowledge exchange between the Rubber Authority of Thailand and the Vietnamese forestry experts from VFCO served as a pivotal facilitator to inspire Laos & Cambodian attendees. Through a series of technical and consultative meetings, participants engaged with in depth discussions surrounding National forest certification in Laos and Cambodia.

Emphasizing the core tenets of sustainable forest trade and restoration in the region, these deliberations underscored the pressing need for strategic action. The outcome? A suite of strategic recommendations meticulously crafted to propel Laos and Cambodia towards robust sustainable forest management standards.

Central to these recommendations is the call for a comprehensive framework aligned with international standards. Moreover, active involvement of key rubber stakeholders such as the VietNam Rubber Group, Socfin, Laos/Cambodia rubber associations, and the General Directorate of Rubber (GDR) is deemed imperative.

Highlighting the multifaceted nature of sustainable practices, the proposed standards encompass environmental, social, and economic dimensions. To ensure impartial oversight, multi-stakeholder representation in capacity building initiatives, coupled with extensive awareness campaigns, are identified as pivotal steps towards building assurances for future growth.

Furthermore, the significance of market access support cannot be overstated. It is through collaborative efforts and continuous review of standards that the vision of sustainable forest management can be translated into tangible reality.

Ultimately, these recommendations serve as a compass, guiding Laos and Cambodia’s INGB towards the development of sustainable forest management standards governed by the accreditation bodies for an effective national certification system recognized globally.

As we navigate the complexities and challenges around the new regulations from EUDR impacting the natural rubber industry, it is through collective action and unwavering commitment that we pave the path towards a more sustainable future.

For more information about PEFC EUDR Due Diligence System (DDS) standard module, Please click here and sign up.

You can also watch the recording of our webinar: