
Discover all the latest Supporting Sustainable Rubber news.


28 February 2024

Natural Rubber Transformation: Updates from UN-REDD LMR Initiatives


Under UNREDD Initiatives, study tours in Thailand have proven instrumental for members of Cambodian and Laotian INGB, fostering invaluable engagement with key stakeholders. The aim? To glean profound insights into the development of National sustainable forest certification schemes tailored to the local stakeholders including smallholder communities.

20 November 2023

The Sustainable Rubber Revolution in Southeast Asia


Natural rubber: It's a material we seldom think about, yet it has touched every aspect of modern society. It’s there in our cars, our homes, our hospitals, our offices - you may even be wearing it on your feet at this very moment. Without it, our world would come to a halt as in many applications, there is simply no substitute for natural rubber.

13 November 2023

Full Circle: PEFC Certification and the Circular Economy


The circular economy, also known as a closed-loop or zero-waste economy, is about so much more than recycling. It is a whole-economy approach to sustainable development that aims to address global challenges like climate change and habitat loss by decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources.

7 November 2023

Transforming Forestry at the Regional Level


The fate of the world’s forests is in many ways our own fate. From villages of dozens of people, to a global community spanning billions, every step of our development, from prehistory to today, has progressed alongside forests.

28 May 2023

Challenges in Natural Rubber Value Chain


Natural rubber is a highly important commodity that plays a vital role in many industries, from automotive to medical equipment and billions of consumer products around the world. Smallholders in Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America play a significant role in the production of natural rubber, with their contribution accounting for over 80% of the world's supply. However, smallholders face various challenges that affect their productivity and profitability.