
Discover all the latest Supporting Sustainable Rubber news.


17 November 2021

PEFC certification allows us to trade sustainable natural rubber in a transparent supply chain


In our interview series Meeting our Certified Companies, we give the word to people on the ground. Our latest interview partner is Hans Evers from Weber & Schaer.

5 November 2021

Sustainable Rubber: How PEFC connects new supply with growing demand


If you are a buyer trying to source certified sustainable rubber, or a producer seeking market access, this webinar is for you.

10 October 2021

Southeast Asia leads the way on Sustainable Rubber. Major manufacturers are taking notice.


A supply chain worth hundreds of billions. An industry employing tens of millions. But is it sustainable? Rubber producers in Southeast Asia are demonstrating that, yes, it can be.

22 August 2021

Get PEFC Certified - Learn from First Movers in the Rubber Sector


If you source, use, trade or sell natural rubber and rubberwood products and care about protecting the world’s forests, this webinar is for you.

22 July 2021

Welcome to the Forestry and Trade for ASEAN Development (FOR-TRADE) Training Programme


PEFC is pleased to invite colleagues and partners to our FOR-TRADE Training Programme.